Custom Styles

The default style surrounds keyword arguments with whitespace. Suppose we wanted to have no spaces, how could we do this? Using custom styles this turns out to be easy.

First we'll define the style:

using JuliaFormatter, CSTParser
using JuliaFormatter: AbstractStyle, FST, State, add_node!
import JuliaFormatter: pretty, p_kw

struct CustomStyle <: AbstractStyle end

# this must be defined
getstyle(s::CustomStyle) = s

Next we'll create a function for the p_kw to dispatch on CustomStyle.

function p_kw(style::CustomStyle, cst::CSTParser.EXPR, s::State)
    t = FST(cst, 0)
    for a in cst
        add_node!(t, pretty(style, a, s), s, join_lines = true)

For comparison here's the default definition:

function p_kw(style::DefaultStyle, cst::CSTParser.EXPR, s::State)
    style = getstyle(style)
    t = FST(cst, nspaces(s))
    for a in cst
        if a.kind === Tokens.EQ
            add_node!(t, Whitespace(1), s)
            add_node!(t, pretty(style, a, s), s, join_lines = true)
            add_node!(t, Whitespace(1), s)
            add_node!(t, pretty(style, a, s), s, join_lines = true)

And that's it! All other functions will fallback to use DefaultStyle.

Finally, let's check the output:

julia> s = "foo(a,b, key1=val1, key3=val4)"
"foo(a,b, key1=val1, key3=val4)"

julia> format_text(s) |> print
foo(a, b, key1 = val1, key3 = val4)

julia> format_text(s, style=CustomStyle()) |> print
foo(a, b, key1=val1, key3=val4)

Nice! Looks like it's working.